Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Remebering a great manga artist

Sadly, I just learned that the creator of Old Master Q 老夫子 passed away yesterday. Growing up in the 70s and 80s, the series of Old Master Q was part of my "secret" reading books. In those day, manga was not considered as a proper materials. Literally, manga falls in the banned book category and it is in general considered as "no hopes" if children are "addicted" to those comic books. There were no comic book in public libraries. Students were not even allowed to bring any comic books to schools - e.g.the Catholic girls' school I attended. How could I get the manga books on my hands? Well, I saved my lunch money and rented from the local newspaper stands/rental bookstores. Of course, I read them under my blanket with a flashlight before I went to bed. To date, I still do not understand while the Old Master Q series are banned books.

The series are full of humor reflecting the Hong Kong pop culture, social and political changes from 1960s to 1980s.

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