Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Librarian interview - Questions you should ask...

I have been to many, many, many, interviews - still looking. At the end of the interview, you are in general asked, "Do you have any questions for us?" Here are some of the questions I would ask. I post here with a hope that readers will provide me suggestions and advice:

  • What is the library's greatest challenge in the next year? 3 years? How does the administration plan to meet that challenge?
  • What is the most innovative thing the library has done in the past year?
  • Can you talk a little bit more about the library's financial situation?
  • How would you describe the library's relationship with faculty members? Are there areas that could use improvement or emphasis?
  • What kinds of outreach efforts does the library do to its users such as distance learning student and/or returning adult students?
  • How des the library assess and evaluate the services it provides?
  • What do you expect the biggest challenge will be for me in this position?

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