Monday, April 24, 2017

A day to remember - Library of Congress established!

It has been two hundred and seventeen years since Library of Congress established - April 24, 1800. I was fortunate enough to serve as a Volunteer for the Library of Congress for one semester.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Looking for him in the crowd

Words cannot describe the heavy heart feeling when I think of my beloved hubby. A poem I learned when I was a little girl always comes to my mind when I was "lost" in those moments.

《青玉案 元夕》 辛棄疾 (1140-1207)

In the huge crowds, I must find him!
I search and search for countless times ...
Suddenly ...
Turning my head, (it seems) he's there... where the lights glow dimly.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Poem: Alone in this world


Where are the generations before me that have gone?
Where are the generations behind me coming?
I think of the unlimited and endless heaven and earth,
And I am all alone in this world; my tears fall down silently.

Poem: Thoughts of the Deceased Life

This is a poem written by a Tang Dynasty poet, Yuen Zhen who traveled Wu Mountain; On the surface, he depicted the beautiful mountain scene, but in fact he expressed his tremendous passion and longing for his wife.

離思元稹 ("Thoughts of the Deceased Life")
No other waters could impress me for I have crossed the vast  seas;
No other clouds could please me for I have viewed majestic mountain peak.
I will never glance again at other flowers;
For my destined love is half for you, and half for the Taoism.

Challenges in the librarian world

Many young/future librarians ask me about the future and challenges of being a librarian. Oh boy where to start? Many of my friends even express that the job of librarian is "gone". The librarianship is definitely very different from when I was in library school. No more librarian jobs? Well if you have thought through prior entering the library school. - and you do not expect to land a job immediately after your graduation, you might find a job in the library world. According to unofficial statistic data, it takes about two years for a new librarian to land a professional position.

If you want to be a librarian, you have to be "specialized" in a particular area - School media specialist (school librarian), cyber security manager, archivist, library conservation, health science librarian, STEM librarian. Those special areas require additional degree (plus MLS). The school media specialist in general requires a teaching degree (licensed teacher), archivist position would require an advance degree in art history, health science librarian and STEM librarian positions require an advance degree in science. To be a generalist librarian, you need to know somebody to land a job. To make the matter worse, it is not what you know but rather who you know (sadly).

Librarians might find themselves working pleasantly or unpleasantly with library board members, college administration. A librarian position can be very "political" (sadly).

Friday, April 7, 2017

We weep when death renders us apart



Life is just .... memory

When life are suddenly shattered into a million pieces, what is still in memory?

How to pick up the pieces and move on after loss?

Your only hope is that life is shattered but not destroyed.