Thursday, April 29, 2010

Never judge a book by it's "appearance"!

As a librarian, I was very skeptical when the graphic novels became part of the public library's collection about 10 years ago. Especially I grew up in a society where comic books and graphic novels are considered "bad reading materials." - Comic books literallly are considered "ban books" when I weas a child. Those book usually are circulated secretly among kids and are absolutely NOT allowed to bring to school. However time passed and things changed. The graphic novels collection became a major part of public library and popular for the library patrons. I started reading "openly". Then I realized that some of those books actually are very well written and very informative. Some of those books, in my opinion, should be on "MUST READ LIST." Here are some of my recomendations and you can make you own judgment! - Never judge a book by it's "look"!

(1) Burma Chronicles by Guy Delisle - exploration of Asian life.
(2) Palestine by Joe Sacco - a first-hand account of the conflict between Palestine and Israel.
(3) Pyongyang: a journey in North Korea by Guy Delisle - two month adventure in North Korea.
(4) Shenzhen: a travelogue from China by Guy Delisle - exploration of Chinese custom and geography.
(5) Waltz with Bashir: a Lebanon War story by Ari Folman - a soldier's story druing Israel's war in Lebanon.
(6) Alan's War: the memories of G.I. Alan Cope - a memoir of a young soldier...
(7) The Photographer: Into war-torn Afghanistan with doctors without borders - documentary graphic novel.
(8) A Drifting Life by Yoshihiro Tatsumi - slice-of-life stories about emotional crisis.
(9) Abandon the old in Tokyo by Yoshihiro Tatsumi
(10) Barefoot Gen series - a series about the life before and after Hiroshima atomic bomb in the WWII.
(11) Persepolis: The story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi - an autobiography - a story of a young girls's life under the Islamic Revolution.
(12) American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang - humorous stories which depicts and create a masterful commentary about race in the United States

It is impossible to have a "complete list" BUT... try one and you will surprise yourself how enjoyable and informative graphic novels can be.

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