Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Here Comes the Bookmobile!

Yesterday I heard the NPR on my way back home after work. I heard the author of Ever Is a Long Time: A Journey into Mississippi's Dark Past A Memoir, W. Ralph Eubank talked about his boyhood down in Mississippi. He described how he escaped the summer heat in a library bookmobile. He said:

 "When I feel the summer heat steaming from the pavement, my childhood memories of the bookmobile provide a cooling sensation to my spirit. This feeling came back last summer on a visit to Chicago when I happened upon a parade of bookmobiles of various ages. There it was: an old Ford grille with big, round headlights that was a dead ringer for the bookmobile that stopped at my house as a child."

"All of a sudden, I was transported into my boyhood self, waiting in the heat of my front porch for the Pine Forest Regional Library bookmobile to arrive at my house in rural Mississippi."

We all know that libraies has been shaped so many young lives in decades; but it is the first time I heard someone "acknowledged" the amazing work of a library bookmobile. - Waht a wonderful story to share!

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