Saturday, September 18, 2010

An extraordinary book!

I visited the Ile des Soeurs Bibliotheque and found this book titled, Aisline's Shenanigans. Aislin is a cartoonist for the Montreal English newspaper, The Gazette. He uses his cartoons to express what a general Quebecois feels about his/her country. Here are some highlights:

Pas d'innigrants icitte! - Caption: "The town of Heronxville a code of conduct for any possible immigrant that might arrive there." 

The snow? The weather? Potholes? The economy? Things could be a whole lot worse. - Caption: "You could still be a smoker."

Canada ranks, like, really high on list of world's marijuana used.

I am a Quebecaholic - (Caption) "Turn back, your watch 400 years."

I understand why Qecbecois do not like immigrants. The umemployment rate is over 9%. And they do not like people who does not speak Qecbec French (not proper French).

I am not sure whether the US readers can find this book in the US. If so, you shouldn't miss this book.

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