Thursday, May 18, 2017

I would trade...

I would trade all of my tomorrows for just one more day with you...

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Looking up: Moment of grace

What I learned from losing - keeping the life we had in my mind EVERYDAY.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Thing happened and I cannot explain

The atomic clock was set up by my late husband. I changed the battery and had no idea how to set up the time again. I tried and couldn't make it work. So I put it down on the kitchen counter and planned on bringing the clock to work  - my coworkers may know how to fix it. Moment later, I looked and the clocked was perfectly set up the year, time, and temperature. I know it is my late husband who fixed it. Thank you ... I miss you and love you with all my heart.

Monday, April 24, 2017

A day to remember - Library of Congress established!

It has been two hundred and seventeen years since Library of Congress established - April 24, 1800. I was fortunate enough to serve as a Volunteer for the Library of Congress for one semester.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Looking for him in the crowd

Words cannot describe the heavy heart feeling when I think of my beloved hubby. A poem I learned when I was a little girl always comes to my mind when I was "lost" in those moments.

《青玉案 元夕》 辛棄疾 (1140-1207)

In the huge crowds, I must find him!
I search and search for countless times ...
Suddenly ...
Turning my head, (it seems) he's there... where the lights glow dimly.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Poem: Alone in this world


Where are the generations before me that have gone?
Where are the generations behind me coming?
I think of the unlimited and endless heaven and earth,
And I am all alone in this world; my tears fall down silently.

Poem: Thoughts of the Deceased Life

This is a poem written by a Tang Dynasty poet, Yuen Zhen who traveled Wu Mountain; On the surface, he depicted the beautiful mountain scene, but in fact he expressed his tremendous passion and longing for his wife.

離思元稹 ("Thoughts of the Deceased Life")
No other waters could impress me for I have crossed the vast  seas;
No other clouds could please me for I have viewed majestic mountain peak.
I will never glance again at other flowers;
For my destined love is half for you, and half for the Taoism.

Challenges in the librarian world

Many young/future librarians ask me about the future and challenges of being a librarian. Oh boy where to start? Many of my friends even express that the job of librarian is "gone". The librarianship is definitely very different from when I was in library school. No more librarian jobs? Well if you have thought through prior entering the library school. - and you do not expect to land a job immediately after your graduation, you might find a job in the library world. According to unofficial statistic data, it takes about two years for a new librarian to land a professional position.

If you want to be a librarian, you have to be "specialized" in a particular area - School media specialist (school librarian), cyber security manager, archivist, library conservation, health science librarian, STEM librarian. Those special areas require additional degree (plus MLS). The school media specialist in general requires a teaching degree (licensed teacher), archivist position would require an advance degree in art history, health science librarian and STEM librarian positions require an advance degree in science. To be a generalist librarian, you need to know somebody to land a job. To make the matter worse, it is not what you know but rather who you know (sadly).

Librarians might find themselves working pleasantly or unpleasantly with library board members, college administration. A librarian position can be very "political" (sadly).

Friday, April 7, 2017

We weep when death renders us apart



Life is just .... memory

When life are suddenly shattered into a million pieces, what is still in memory?

How to pick up the pieces and move on after loss?

Your only hope is that life is shattered but not destroyed.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

A day to remember

Today is a very special day for me. A day to remember, it has been two years since you are gone.

I miss you, Monkey - terribly - unbearable. In the past two years, I experienced:

Got lay-off twice
Hit by the deer
Someone broke into the house while I was at work
Two big trees hit by the lightening - one is your favorite.

All those cannot compare the feeling of missing you. I am just wondering...
Do you miss me?
Do you remember me?

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Lessons from the death

There are so many books and resources of "how to" deal with grief, losses, trauma in our lives. Nothing would work EXCEPT "you" are the one who know "how to". It's so painful and words do not have the ability to describe it - the emptiness and unreal feeling, the pain in the heart and emotion.

Librarian is supposed the one who is well-educated and is a "smart" and "tough" human being. The truth is that ... it is quite the opposite. Things I learned from death:

You only want the pain goes away
You only wish that the death is only a bad dream
You only wish that you have option A not the option B
You only want to disappear
You only wish that people around you do not say, "I am so sorry for your lost."
You only want your heart gets lighter

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

International Day of Happiness 2017

It is supposed to be a "happiness" day for the year. Well, quite the opposite... our college officially announced that the college will be closed on September 22nd. When the college goes, so does the library.

Why did the college five the bad news on the International Day of Happiness? I only wish that they waited for another day to make the announcement. Oh well, what's done is done.

Another academic library is going to close.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Saving libraries!

Around the world, libraries are facing many challenges; one of those is how to avoid being closed - in UK, in France, in the US. Many people contributed ideas how to save the libraries particularly the community libraries.

It is said that in UK, almost 350 libraries have closed in Britain in the last six years, with 174 transferred to community groups and volunteers, and 50 handed over to external organizations.

In France, libraries are facing similar situation, Many people suggested that libraries should transform the libraries to the hub of the communities - workshops, events, exhibitions, training courses and encouraging public participation in their management have become part of libraries’ roles.

In the US, some opinions even took a little farther - they cried out for saving the libraries BUT NOT the librarians (????): "Libraries do not serve the egos of librarians; they serve the people. And in the information age, serving the people requires evolving and innovating."

Learning to do good with deeds

It is a very inspirational conversation from Pope Francis:

"Learning to do good with deeds, not words.",_not_words/1298514

When the college is closing... so is the library

Our college is closing in a few months. With a heavy heart, I start the process of contacting the community and other libraries to take in our library materials. It is very hard to keep your chin up and it gets harder and harder as the days go by.

Everyone in the college is emotional distressed. I always have a positive attitudes for my job in the past years. My second thought is... well, how many librarians have the work experience to closing down the library in a "positive" ways? Not too many and I am going to be one of those.

In fact it is the second time in the two years that I witnessed library being closed. First in January 2015, the University of Kansas Regents Center Library was closed. None of the library staff saw that's coming. I had been there since 2003 and it was rare to see any library staff left. So we had been together for 12 years. When the library closed, most of my colleagues took early retirements. But for me, unfortunately... I am too young to retire but too old to start over.

I thought I was lucky to land a job in a month after KU Regents Center Library closed. Then the college announced its closing. I must be a cursed librarian. But I am not going down without "a fight" and I determined that I started my job in a good standing and I am going to end in a positive spirit.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Knowledge and wisdom

Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 48:

To attain knowledge add things every day.

To attain wisdom remove things every day.

老 子:  「道 德 經」 :  第 四 十 八 章
為 學 日 益 , 為 道 日 損 。
損 之 又 損 , 以 至 於 無 為 。
無 為 而 無 不 為 。
取 天 下 常 以 無 事 , 及 其 有 事 , 不 足 以 取 天 下 。

Radical change in Catholic priesthood?

In the past decades, the number of Catholic families has been dropping. Many Catholic boys and girls schools became co-educational institutions. Then a couple days ago, Pope Francis expressed that he is considering to accept married men to Catholic priesthood. That would be a big reformation in Catholic history.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Tao Te Ching - The way of life

Translated work by Raymond Blakney (1955).

Chapter 33: Wisdom and enlightenment

It is wisdom to know others;
It is enlightenment to know one's self.

The conqueror of men is powerful;
The master of himself is strong.

It is wealth to be content;
It is willful to force one's way on others.

Endurance is to keep one's place;
Long life it is to die and not perish.

老 子:  「道 德 經」 :  第 三 十 三 章
知 人 者 智 , 自 知 者 明 。
勝 人 者 有 力 , 自 勝 者 強 。
知 足 者 富 。
強 行 者 有 志 。
不 失 其 所 者 久 。
死 而 不 亡 者 壽 。

An inspirational quote

"In the shoes of the other, we learn to have a great capacity for understanding, for getting to know difficult situations."

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

International Women's Day March 8

Today is International Women's Day.

The theme for this year is "Women in the changing world of work: Planet 50-50 by 2030".

I am sure that many of us love the classic female writers such as Jane Austen, Emily Dickinson, Christie Agatha. But for this International Women's Day, try something different - read one of these books that would enlighten your day:

(1) Rise of the rocket girls: The women who propelled us, from missiles to the moon to mars

(2) Hidden figures: The American dream and the untold story of the Black women mathematicians who helped win the space race

(3) Women of vision: National Geographic photographers on assignments

(4) The girls of atomic city: The untold story of the women who helped win World War II

(5) Wonder women: 25 innovators, inventors, and trailblazers who changed history 

(6) It's what I do: A photographer's life of love and war

(7) Half the sky: Turning Oppression into opportunity for women worldwide

(8) Rad women worldwide: Artist and athletes, pirates and punks, and other revolutionaries who shaped history

(9) In the company of women: Inspiration and advice from over 100 makers, artists, and entrepreneurs

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

What makes a life worth living?

Most people believe that you would be able to get an answer to the above-mentioned question after reading this book:

Paul Kalanithi, When Breath Becomes Air.

Most readers expressed that they found inspiration and hope from this book. On the contrary, I only feel the sadness and the unfinished business of life from the pages. It is simply because the young neurosurgeon's experience reminds my late husband - the sudden unexpected challenging of facing death.

"I can't go. I'll go on."

Friday, March 3, 2017

Something about libraries and librarians

(1) Librarian by any other name.:

(2) The argument: The library is not dead:

(3) Not dead yet: Libraries still vital, pew report finds:

(4) Do not go to library school. Librarianship is a dying profession [?]:

(5) Are reference librarians dead?

(6) The beautiful librarians are dead:

A very informative documentary - must-see

Documentary film: Frontline: United States of Secrets

It is very informative and chilling Frontline documentary. Here are my intakes of this film:

(1) It is a very disturbing; the ugly history of the US
(2) It is the "pre-Snowden" events
(3) It should be a "must-see" documentary for journalists and journalism students
(4) Inside the US government, there are still a few good men/women who have the courage to speak out and stand up for justice
(5) It is surprised that President Obama carried on the "NSA Program" - when he had the chance to change.  - is it the logo of Obama's presidency?

BBC Hard Talk with Singapore Prime Minister Lee

I couldn't sleep last night and listened to the BBC overnight program. It is very unusual (particularly for a very conservative society, Singapore) that PM Lee discussed gay rights Section 377A. What surprised me is that I have no ideas that if any gay person openly admits she/he is a homosexual person, she/he would be jailed a maximum penalty of two years in prison. What Prime Minster Lee explained that the section 377A is a law which was "handed" from British era - 1938 and it is not actively enforced.

Then... why get rid of it? We are now in the year of 2017! Prime Minister Lee said that he is "prepared to live with it until social attitudes change".




We, the lucky Americans, are still enjoying our freedom and constitution rights.

My Alma Mater University of Wisconsin Madison has a LGBT Campus Center Library since 1998. The library is part of UW libraries system providing LGBT studies and theory and as well as popular film and documentaries.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Your complicated digital life

Who can access or own your digital life after your death? It seems to me that the digital era has made our lives more complicated; but that can be done "properly".

Here are some of the interesting articles:

(1) "Who own your iTunes library after death?"

(2) Your digital life after death:

(3) Who gets ownership of your digital life after you die?

(4) What happens to your digital life after death?

(5) Digital life after death:

Monday, February 27, 2017

Dear future librarians...

So you want to be a librarian. You cannot pass these ted talk videos:

(1) What to expect from libraries in the 21st century:

(2) Changing the conversation about librarians:

(3) Libraries: Innovative spaces to dream, think, and create:

(4) The evolution of a librarian:

(5) Librarians of the future:

(6) The library of the future:

(7) Libraries bridging the digital divide:

(8) Collaboratories and bubbles of shush:

(9) The dangerous myth about libraries:

(10) Libraries can be loud:

It does matter WHO you know

I heard from NPR the other day advising job seekers how to land a job. However, in my experience it DOES NOT matter what you know and how good you are in your field. The most important part is... at least in most cases people landed a job because WHO they know. It is sad but that is the reality.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Monday, February 20, 2017

Library school and lawsuits

Just discovered these information: "sigh!" - Oh Boy!

Health insurance

Yesterday I listened to NPR Moth Radio. One of the speakers mentioned his own experience with the American broken health system.

He was robbed and beaten up in New York City. He was in the hospital unconscious for a few days. When he came around a few days later, the nurse asked him the health insurance card. As soon as the hospital found out that he did not have heath insurance, he was asked to leave with broken bones. - He was self-employed at that time. As a self-employed person, you do not work you do not have income. He was unable to pay the rent and was thrown out of his apartment - homeless with a broken body.

The speaker couldn't hold his tears when he spoke. I can feel his sadness and frustration via his voice even though that was a couple years ago incident.

What kinds of health system in this country? What's wrong with us?

Monday, February 13, 2017

Librarians in the 21st century?

The evolution of "libraries and librarians"!

One thing I surely notice is that the ALA core librarianship competencies are very different from the one I learned in the library school in the year of 1998. Many words/phrases were "disappeared" from the current ALA core librarianship competencies such as "innovation", "lifelong learning", "collaborations", "partnerships", ...etc.

In addition to the "core competencies", in my own experience, you do need other "professional competencies" such as:
(1) A "referee" for library patrons who had disagreements/arguments in using the library computers;
(2) Dealing with an unsurprised kid who climbs up the bookshelf like a monkey;
(3) Clean the men's room when the custodian is not available
(4) Serve as a "peacemaker" for your staff and the library board members

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Trumpian graffiti @ public library?

I read this article via the online Library Journal titled, "Ambiguous Trumpian Graffiti @ your library" - the graffiti was found in the library's bathroom. My first reaction is ... What's the point to put the graffiti in the bathroom? How many people would see/notice?).

Graffiti in library is not uncommon.  I worked a the branch manager at a public library for 6 years and I found "all kinds of graffiti" in the library. It is not the worst "vandalism" in the library. I have seen so many worst than that including "used" underwear in the stacks, MacDonald's leftover was put in the outside book drop (it took hours to clean the returning library materials!)

Monday, February 6, 2017

Pope Francis and Super Bowl 2017

Pope Francis calls Super Bowl a sign of peace, friendship, and solidarity.

Digital version of ourselves

In the past week, I have heard a few times from NPR about the "digital version of ourselves". Many people concern about what happen to the "death" face book accounts. There are pros and cons opinions. The positive side is that after you are "GONE" for years, your family particularly your grandchildren would be able to see your life without searching binders and binders of albums. The negative side is that the face book page would upset those who is survived. Apparently there is no good answers for that.

Monday, January 30, 2017


Apparently the surname "Kennedy" is a popular one in the State of Massachusetts. I went for an interview with one of the community colleges Chancellor in Western Massachusetts. As soon as I was introduced to her, I was "distracted" by her "look" - she just looks exactly the late President Kennedy!  - I was distracted.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Personal Observation

I have been gone many job interviews. I have a very personal "observation". If you are being interviewed with libraries from the coasts (East Coast and West Coast; big cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, etc.),  you would find yourself with a group of search committee members who in general do not have too much patience and ask the questions in either a very harsh voice or in a "rush". It seems that they just want to get it over. You just are the unfortunate person in the room. On the contrary, if you are being interviewed with the Midwest or not very populated small town, you will find your experience would be much pleasant. People in general take their time and the experience would be more professional, in my opinion.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Another job seeking experience

I applied for a librarian position at a state university in town. I received a phone interview invitation; then two days later I received an email message from the Search Committee Chair indicating that the position is limited to current internal applicant. SO that's it - I told myself.

Surprisingly, the initial phone interview call came. I told the Search Committee Chair that I was told the position was limited to current internal applicant; and I am not a current staff at the university. I heard she consulted with her colleagues. The she said, "Oh yes.. do you want to process the phone interview process?" I was so surprised for her request. I replied, "I don't think so." In my mind, what's the point?

Apparently the university HR department did not communicate with the Search Committee. Is it a surprise?! It's so unorganized.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Unexpectedly experiences of a job seeking librarian

Here are some of the unexpectedly experiences I encountered.

A false job offer?! - After I finished the conversation with the Dean, I "jumped "up and down because he offered me the position. Then an hour later, I received a phone call from the Search Committee Chair, she said, "The Dean probably called you too soon this morning...; We, the search committee members actually have not made our decision yet."

Undecided job description? - I was told by the Search Committee, "Please don't pay too much attention to the job posting because we keep adding and revising the job description."

Dysfunctional working environment? - "The biggest challenge we are having here in the library is that we're dealing with a malfunctioning unit." It is honest but un professional approach.

Cleaning the house? - "I will be removed from my [library] office and unit next week. It is always changing around here."

Monday, January 9, 2017

Job market for librarian ... it's very bad

It is very hard to land a full-time librarian job ... not only I have experienced many "unbelievable" interviews (see my previous posts), but also the logic of "supply and demand" - nowadays, there are too many online library schools and too many graduates every semesters. Plus the technology has been rapidly changing. It is tough.

I have gone through all the searching process and then I received email message informing me that the position is no longer available due to the unpredictable financial situation. ... And one of my applications sent me a message indicating that they search committee made a mistake - the position is limited to current internal staff...

The state university I served from 2003 to 2015 closed one of is graduate studies libraries and I was "let go". Since then I have been struggling to land a librarian job. It is now 2017; it seems that things have not yet turned around.

It is not what you think ... blood donation

I listened to KCUR 89.3 this past weekend and learned about the blood donation business. I was stunned to find out that the "do public good" blood donation in fact is a million dollar business!

People thought they are going to help someone who is in need of help and might not realize that they are helping the blood bank to gain profits.

The blood bank in Appleton Wisconsin declared shortage so they requested from the public. In fact it's the opposite. They did not have shortage; they have too much so they sold to a small tome in Kentucky  $10-$20 per pint. The Kentucky blood bank then sold it even much higher price, up to $300 per pint to New York City hospitals!

If we take a close look to the taxation of the blood banks across the country, we would find their annual revenue are millions!

Next time when you want to donate blood to help someone, think twice.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Question to ask during the interview...

At the end of the interview, I purposely asked the Committee members questions. But it is not always I would receive a positive feedbacks. Here is an example of my experience.
Questions I asked:
"why do you like working here?"
"Why do you like working here?"
 "What do you like most about your job?"
 "What do you like least about your job?"
 "What's the most innovative thing the library has done in the last year?"

 "Does the College offer funding for professional development and conference travel for library staff?"

"How does the college administration assess the library services?"
"Does the college provide mentorship for new faculty members and professional staff?"

Each question I asked received a moment of silence. It seemed that the chemistry in the room changed from harmony to very uneasiness...

They looked to each other speechlessly; they apparently were stunned by my questions. Everyone was sitting quietly hoping someone would take the lead and answer the questions.

I became nervous and thought,.. Oh boy! Nobody wanted to be the first answering my questions? "What's on their minds? What were they thinking? Did I ask inappropriately questions? What were they afraid of answering my questions?" I perplexed and wondered. Perhaps none of them felt that they had the obligation to answer.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Unorganized interview experience

I was invited for a job interview with a Catholic college. As soon as the interview started, I again found myself in a awkward situation witnessing the unorganized interview process. The Search Committee members were struggling who was responsible to ask which question.
For example,
One of the committee members turned to the person who sat next to her right, "XXX, is your turn to ask?"
The woman then unwillingness looked at the paper in her hand, "Which number of question are we now?" she asked.
The woman at the far end replied, "Well, I think we are on the question number 5."
"No. We just finished the number 5 question. It's your turn. Should be the number 6 question."
"Okay..."Then she read the question to me.
Confusing? Unorganized?
The entire interview just liked that; once a while the search committee members would look over the person next to her and asked who's turn to ask and which question. I increasingly found myself in a quite uncomfortable state in this type of interview. It was new to me; hopefully that was the first and last time I had to go for that kinds of job interview.

Remebering a great manga artist

Sadly, I just learned that the creator of Old Master Q 老夫子 passed away yesterday. Growing up in the 70s and 80s, the series of Old Master Q was part of my "secret" reading books. In those day, manga was not considered as a proper materials. Literally, manga falls in the banned book category and it is in general considered as "no hopes" if children are "addicted" to those comic books. There were no comic book in public libraries. Students were not even allowed to bring any comic books to schools - e.g.the Catholic girls' school I attended. How could I get the manga books on my hands? Well, I saved my lunch money and rented from the local newspaper stands/rental bookstores. Of course, I read them under my blanket with a flashlight before I went to bed. To date, I still do not understand while the Old Master Q series are banned books.

The series are full of humor reflecting the Hong Kong pop culture, social and political changes from 1960s to 1980s.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

College closing and losing my job - it is NOT my fault

I have read many comments of people are losing their jobs with the closing of private career colleges. Unfortunately I will soon be one of those librarian who has been dedicating to students and promoting life long learning.

When I shared the news with one of my friends, I was surprised what she said to me. She said, "You should know that when you signed on working for a private career college." In fact, I was stunned for what I heard.

PLEASE, the college is closing but it is NOT my fault! We work as hard as any state university/college librarians. In fact we work much harder than any "regular" academic librarian because we wear so many hats - we are the tutors, research assistants, iPad trainers, emotional supporters, catalogers, collection development librarians, outreach librarians, faculty coordinator, campus librarians....

Everyone in the search committee is leaving?

I was a little distressed after the previous "horrible" interview experience. Hack! it turned out ... it was another "interesting" interview.

As soon as I sat down for the interview, the committee search members introduced themselves. Surprisingly, one  of the librarians also informed me,

"Oh ... before we started, I just wanted to let you know that if you get the position, I won't be working with you because I am leaving the College in two weeks."

Them another librarian joined her and said sharply,
"Me too, I am also leaving the library at the end of this month because I am transferring to other departments." She smiled faintly.

What's going on????  - It seemed to me that everyone in the search committee is leaving because there were only three library staff in the search committee.


Librarian interview - Questions you should ask...

I have been to many, many, many, interviews - still looking. At the end of the interview, you are in general asked, "Do you have any questions for us?" Here are some of the questions I would ask. I post here with a hope that readers will provide me suggestions and advice:

  • What is the library's greatest challenge in the next year? 3 years? How does the administration plan to meet that challenge?
  • What is the most innovative thing the library has done in the past year?
  • Can you talk a little bit more about the library's financial situation?
  • How would you describe the library's relationship with faculty members? Are there areas that could use improvement or emphasis?
  • What kinds of outreach efforts does the library do to its users such as distance learning student and/or returning adult students?
  • How des the library assess and evaluate the services it provides?
  • What do you expect the biggest challenge will be for me in this position?

Not in the right field when applying for a librarian position

II obtain my doctorate degree in information management from a prestige university and have three Master's including an ALA accredited MLS. I was very surprised when I was told that I am not in the right field for a librarian position. Here was my conversation with the Academic Dean:

"Oh..., your doctorate degree is not in the field of library science. We are looking for a librarian who has an advanced degree in library science or related field." She added sharply. (I am thinking: Whaaaaat.......... Information Studies not related to the library field)

I was surprised and answered her defensively. "My degree was awarded by the School of Information Studies ... I have over 15 years of library work experience with 8 years of supervisory experience in library settings. I believe that my education and work experience are well-fit to the position I am applying for. "

Then it came humiliating moments of silence. It was awkward. If there was a paper clip dropped, I probably could hear the "ding" sound.

The Dean rose from her chair in a resigned manner. "Oh, I am afraid I have to go for my next meeting. Thank you for coming."

She did not even shake hands with me.  I was thinking... I flew all the way from other state (over 1800 miles!) and our meeting only lasted for... 20minutes??? I just couldn't believe what I experienced.